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August 2015

# 127

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Small Pearls

From No Human Source

T. Austin Sparks

Pearl #1


I received my message from no human source, and no one taught me. Instead, I received it by direct revelation from Jesus Christ. (Galatians 1:12 NLT)

For strength to overcome and press on, only a revelation by the Holy Spirit in us can suffice – but it can! A revelation that is within one's spirit and not a mental appreciation of truth, even though it is truth about God. Oh, the power to be able to say "I KNOW," not "I have heard or read," but "I KNOW." It is an experience nothing can rob us of. It is absolutely essential to have this revelation by the Holy Spirit because we have to meet forces of evil against which nothing can stand save that which is of God. "In pressure Thou hast enlarged me." How? Because of the constant uprising of the Life within. Trouble, trial, sorrow... we are subject to these things, they are common to all men, but we rise above them through the "strength of His might" within. We are strong because of the Light given in the knowledge of God – Eph. 1:19. This is a growing revelation. Paul is writing to the Ephesian saints, and what a wonderful history these had! See Paul's words to them in parting (Acts 20:17-38). To such he says, "That ye may be strengthened to apprehend," showing the necessity for the mighty power of God in bringing through revelation. The enemy mightily withstands revelation; to mar or hinder that, he'll stop at nothing!

Light and Strength go together; endurance is by revelation, "I know." Establishment in the truth by revelation of the truth, this brings an impact on Satan and his hosts; light leading to might. When the Lord opens eyes you see what happens, "the eyes of your heart being enlightened, that ye may know" this is the result of opened eyes. "Knowing that He that raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also with Jesus" – 2 Cor. 4:14.


Pointing The Way

Brian Coatney

Pearl #2


In his first letter John says that we do not need someone to teach us because we have the anointing. That is John's way of saying that we have the teacher within us. Yet teaching is one of the New Testament ministries. The point is that there is no independent self who teaches other independent selves. That would only be pride and a lie.

I have sat under many mentors and teachers. I have learned much from them, but the reality is that the Spirit speaks through them, and the Spirit bears witness to the listener. Most of us have had the experience of getting concepts down on an information level first, perhaps even with some quickening and receiving by faith. But we know what it is like to have the nagging sense that what is supposed to be liberating is not yet what we hoped it would be. The haunting voice of "head knowledge" still speaks the lie of, "This does not really work."

You know it works when it works, and it is plainly a miracle beyond one more effort like so many in the past that ended in disappointment. What is the difference when you finally know? The difference is that you say, "The life that I am living is beyond anything that I imagined; this is beyond anything human. This is miracle territory."

Instead of defeat, defeat, defeat - life is victory, victory, victory over old besetting sins. Then past teachers take on a new light. God is first, and our teachers a distant second, but our respect for them is more than ever, and they appear as those whom God planted along our way over the years pointing the way until the day when the teacher within is truly our teacher, and we know it.



Wisdom verses the Carnal Mind

Pearl #3


2 Cor. 3:18 says, “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” Weymouth NT says of this verse: “unveiled faces or countenance”. As we removed the veil of wrong self assessment and self consciousness, guilt, and condemnation we begin to reflect like bright mirrors the Glory, the character, nature of The Lord. We will never reflect the glory of The Lord as long as our "mirror," our self image is distorted with guilt and shame. We become what we see, what we fix our gaze upon. Paul says: "are being transformed into the same likeness" .


Dream state or carnal mind is an computer generated artificial intelligence….The mind of Satan. It is the “Harlot Mind” of Rev. 17-19 and John 8:44 Satan who is a liar from the beginning.


Sylvia Pearce

Liberating Secret


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