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The Liberating Secret
Sylvia will be streaming LIVE on Sundays starting Aug. 18th at 6:00 pm Eastern.
We are currently streaming 2 of The Liberating Secret TV programs every evening at 6:00 PM
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Therefore, the Lord Himself shall give you a sign: Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14
How so very incredible that the weight of everyman’s eternal salvation lies in the birth of a tiny little baby born in a filthy stable 2000 years ago? Who would believe that God Almighty would humble Himself to such obscurity? How unlikely that the God of this universe would enter this world in such a humble manner. Even today the thought of this little baby’s unlikely birth stumbles the minds of haughty mankind. To the world it is foolishness, but to us who are born of the Spirit it is incredibly marvelous and wonderful that God would love us so much that He would send to us ”the seed of the woman”, Jesus, our Redeemer, born in human flesh. This incredible act of love would eventually fulfill God’s promise to Adam to crush the head of the “seed of the serpent” which first invaded mankind in the Garden.
Man foolishly lost his glorious first created divine image, but now through Christ’s miraculous resurrection, mankind can be regenerated into a New Creation. Christ is the first “New Adam”, who by His triumphant life and victorious resurrection has become forever “a LIFE-GIVING” Spirit, and the first born of a new humanity. Christ, the Word of God, and the actual Divine Seed of God, became flesh, and entered into humanity and penetrated it with Spirit and with Life. Christ vicariously overcame sin and death by obedience to the complete will of the Father even to the extreme depths of suffering, sacrifice, and death on the Cross for the love of mankind, and as a man, glorified human flesh, exalted it from fallen flesh to raised and ascended spiritual flesh. Now through His resurrected heavenly life, He is able to unite Himself inwardly to the spirit and souls of all “Born-Again Believers” so that His spiritual resurrected-glorified flesh and blood can be their food and drink. He then can become the life-giving source of a new order of humanity, and the Head of a new race of being.
This is the true meaning of the angelic choir trumpeting forth praises that first Christmas night. Let us too sing praises as we celebrate His miraculous birth and look forward to His soon return.
“Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King; let every heart prepare Him room, and heaven and nature sing” and repeat.
We send you our blessings and deepest love! Merry Christmas!

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